- Mission: Erosion risk assessment study
- Client: GIZ
- Partner: Autoroute du Maroc (ADM, National Institute of Agronomic Research (INRA)
- Implementation period: 2014–2016

ADM launched a research project jointly conducted by GIZ, INRA and IPROconsult. The objective was to assess and model the water erosion risks of Moroccan highways under the influence of climate change, which were visualized on small-scale maps.
Using high resolution models (EROSION-3D software), it was possible to define very precisely the amount of eroded material and sedimentation during specific rainfall events in three at-risk watersheds.
The downstream objective of this project is to implement an interactive monitoring system for erosion and flood risk management and to develop a methodological manual for engineers to ensure optimal flood and water erosion risk management in future transportation infrastructure projects.